아이엘츠 General Writing Task 1

IELTS Sample & Tips – General Writing Task 1

코리아 헤럴드에서 연재되었던 IELTS Sample 과 도움이 될만한 Tip입니다. 오늘은 그 두 번째 시간으로, 오늘은 General Writing Task 1 Sample에 대해 살펴 보기로 하겠습니다.

IELTS Sample 참고하시고 열심히 공부하셔서 고득점의 목표를 꼬옥 이루시길 바랄게요~

Writing: General Task 1

An English-speaking friend of yours is moving to your country for a year and has asked for your help. Write a letter advising your friend of the following:
-What to bring
-How you will help
-Where he/she could live
Dear ………

This kind of Task 1 General prompt requires you to write a letter ensuring you address all the prompts. Failing to cover all parts of the question will detract from your answer reduce your score. It’s also important that an appropriate tone is used. They person you are writing to is a friend, and so, the tone of the letter needs to reflect this by not being overly formal. The tone also needs to be consistent throughout. Even in a straightforward letter such as this, try to display a good range of structures. If the writing is limited to simple sentences, this will also detract from the overall result. A mix of structures, well-produced if possible, leads to better results.

Some possible expression!s reflecting a friendly tone
……great to hear from you…
…I can’t wait to see you here and show you around…
…don’t forget the winter is cold here so pack plenty of warm clothes…
…I think you’d love the area around Itaewon…
…why don’t you think about sharing a place
…we’ll have a ball on the weekends

Sample Answer

Dear Peter,
It was so good to get your wonderful news. I can’t wait to see you, help you settle in and then show you around.

When you’re thinking about what to bring, don’t forget the winter is cold here so pack plenty of warm clothes. I know you love skiing so if you can, bring your ski gear and we can hit the slopes. The shopping here is great so don’t worry too much if you can’t bring everything with you. I’ll be happy to show you the shops and help you find bargains. The apartments here are furnished but you’ll probably need to bring some bedding and a towel to get you going.

I really want to make sure you have a very smooth, stress-free start here. I’ll meet you at the airport so let me know the flight times when you can. I’m also going to start looking for a place for you to stay. I think you’d love the area around Itaewon because there are loads of good bars, restaurants and foreigners there. There are plenty of apartments for rent around there that aren’t too expensive. You might also want to have a think about sharing a place. I’ve seen some adverts for share-mates around there that seem very reasonable too. Let me know what you think about that idea and I’ll do more research for you.

I think that’s all for now so I’ll look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Take care and good luck with the packing!

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