IELTS Writing test (109)
Writing test Writing Task 1 (letter) Write a letter to local council about the closure of playground and explain – why so few children is using the playground – how …
Writing test Writing Task 1 (letter) Write a letter to local council about the closure of playground and explain – why so few children is using the playground – how …
Writing test Writing Task 1 (letter) You had an appointment to meet someone but you were not able to make it. Explain the reasons why you couldn’t be there. Tell …
Writing test Writing Task 1 (report) We had a graph about how the water is used in four countries, Chine, USA, Russian Federation and Australia. There were 3 different purposes …
Writing test Writing Task 1 You saw an advertisement of some social activity related to helping old people. Write a letter to a manager and say – Why you want …
Writing test Writing Task 1 (report) We had 2 line graphs about the number of men & women voters in a European country. The two graphs were comparing data about …
Writing test Writing Task 1 (report) Two graphs were given to compare the performance of trains in October and November 2008. The categories were “delayed trains” and and “train cancellations”. …
Writing test Writing Task 1 (letter) Write a letter to a manager in regards to an advertisement you saw about volunteering to helping old people. In your letter explain – …
Writing test Writing task 1 (letter) Write a letter to your employer and ask to attend a training course. In your letter: 1) give reasons why you want to attend …
Writing test Writing Task 1 Write a business letter to your boss and explain about a course that you want to go on, why you want to do the course …
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Writing test Writing Task 1 (report) We had a bar chart describing percentage of people in the age group 25-35 having higher education qualification in 5 countries in 2001. Writing …
Writing test Writing Task 1 (report) We had a bar chart describing population of six countries in percentages for the year 2000 and predicted figures for 2050. Writing Task 2 …